Park of Specific Solutions for Businesses.Powerful Drawing and diagramming Tools.The advantages of ConceptDraw PRO over Visio for you: If you prefer working in Macintosh environment, then ConceptDraw PRO is your choice.
Now many users find ConceptDraw PRO the best analog of Visio for Macintosh. If you have heard from many people that they frequently faced difficulties with sharing their MS Visio documents among Mac users, be sired that there were no ConceptDraw PRO users among them.ĬonceptDraw users do not meet such problem, because they can work on Macintosh with a document created on PC and vice versa. ConceptDraw from CS Odessa has been developed to satisfy all your needs as an alternative product to Visio. It should seem that solution is quite difficult to find. Many of us use MS Visio frequently at work in all Windows environment, but to run Visio on Macintosh we had to install a virtual machine to emulate PC, which made work difficult and slow a great deal. In searching of alternative to MS Visio for Mac and PC with ConceptDraw PRO